Nazareth Chiropractic
100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractor

206 East Lawn Road Nazareth, PA 18064


First Lady of Fitness

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She predates Jane Fonda on the workout scene. Together with her husband, Jack LaLanne, they were credited as revolutionizing modern physical fitness. Today, at 97, Elaine LaLanne, the first lady of fitness, is still living the lifestyle and still educating us on the health benefits of regular exercise, proper nutrition, and a positive attitude.

In fact, Lala, as she’s known to her friends, has no intention of retiring. She gets up every morning and works out. She just published a book, Pride & Discipline, about Jack’s life. And she’s working on both a documentary and feature film with Mark Wahlberg, who has signed to play Jack. 

She says she’s always got a project going, not the least of which is sharing her ageless inspiration. Here are just a few of her tips on staying super-fit to 100 from her book, If You Want to Live, Move! Putting the Boom Back in Boomers.

Move. Whether you stretch, clean your house, or play golf, make sure you get 20 minutes a day of muscle-strengthening exercise and aerobic activity each day.
Stay engaged. People need hobbies and interests. We all need something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to.
Don’t diet. According to Elaine, eat right and you can’t go wrong.
No regrets. Focus on the good things you’ve done, not the bad ones. 

At the 100 Year Lifestyle we appreciate and give credit to people like Jack and Elaine, the first lady of fitness, who pioneered fitness and spoke out about healthy living during the days of the invention of the TV dinner! Thank you for continuing to show us the way Elaine!

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Dr. Wack will be out of the office until Wednesday June 29.  If you are in need of an adjustment before June 29, please contact Dr. Mike Bauer at 610-588-6199(Bangor).