Nazareth Chiropractic
100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractor

206 East Lawn Road Nazareth, PA 18064


Breakfast Bowl of Champions

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Golden Turmeric Chia Seed Power Breakfast Pudding is the breakfast bowl of champions! Start your morning by tapping into omega-3 fatty acids through this delicious chia-dense dish.

Everyone is aware of the many benefits to eating breakfast. However, those benefits can only be gained if you eat a healthy breakfast. If sugar and empty calories are how you start your day, then it’s going to be uphill from there. The trick is making good breakfast choices. in this breakfast bowl of champions, you have all the good – without any of the bad – to power you through your day. Buy organic ingredients whenever possible, and you are really making a difference for your health!

Chia seeds provide an essential source of fiber, antioxidants, iron, protein, and calcium, while also lowering your HDL Cholesterol for a healthier heart. On the other hand, the ingredient turmeric lowers inflammation while ginger boosts your immune system. Go ahead, wake up to health with this ideal 100 Year Lifestyle recipe!

Ingredients (Serves 2-3)

1 ½ cup Chia Seeds
3 ½ cup Unsweetened Coconut Milk
1 tsp ground Turmeric
½ tsp ground Cinnamon
½ tsp ground Ginger
1 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
½ tsp ground Cardamom
¼ tsp ground Nutmeg
Black Pepper and Salt to taste
1 tbsp Vanilla Extract


Combine all ingredients except chia seeds in a large bowl and mix well. Bring this to a quick boil and simmer for 2 minutes. Sieve into a bowl and add chia seeds. Mix well. Divide the mixture evenly between 4 jars, then place each jar in the fridge for at least 6 hours.  Top with fresh fruit and freshly grated coconut to your liking! Enjoy your Breakfast Bowl of Champions!

Brought to You by:

An Odyssey of Flavors





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Dr. Wack will be out of the office until Wednesday June 29.  If you are in need of an adjustment before June 29, please contact Dr. Mike Bauer at 610-588-6199(Bangor).